Alexander Blewett III School of Law at the University of Montana
law, constitutional law, federal indian law, american indian law, diversity and inclusion, higher education, montana law, court of appeals, oil and gas law, western us., indian law, federal courts, natural resources, first amendment, marijuana law and policy, law and social justice, gender and the law, water law, property law, tax law, conservation, constitutional theory, montana
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: 55
About Me
The Montana Law Review is one of the most important resources of legal scholarship in the State of Montana, and it chronicles and evaluates developments in Montana law. Its focus, however, is by no means provincial as the Review publishes scholarly articles on timely topics of regional and national import. The purpose of the Montana Law Review is to inform and influence in order to improve the creation, administration, and practice of law in this state, the region, and the nation.
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Asked the question "Montana Law Review Call for Papers for Volume 86.2", and has received 0 votes.
Asked the question "Call for Papers: Montana Law Review Sept. 2024 Browning Symposium", and has received 0 votes.
Asked the question "Montana Law Review Call for Submissions--Expedited Review", and has received 1 vote.
Asked the question "Call for submissions", and has received 0 votes.
Asked the question "Call for Submissions—Montana Law Review", and has received 1 vote.