Natural Resources Journal University of New Mexico School of Law

The University of New Mexico School of Law - Natural Resources Journal

Submissions Editors

natural resources, environment and international relations, comparative environmental policy, resource economics, natural resources management, oil & gas, climate politics, water governance, water policy, water resource politics, global climate governance, energy law and regulation, interdisciplinary, international law, international environmental law and policy, economics, natural resources law, environemtnal law, environmental justice, environmental policy, environmental history, environmental economics, water law, international and national water law, water law and policy

About Me

About the Natural Resources Journal
First published in 1961, the Natural Resources Journal is an international, interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of law and policy issues surrounding natural resources. The NRJ’s contributors come from various disciplines and provide diverse perspectives on the complex issues that accompany natural resources management. The NRJ does not endorse any particular viewpoint, but seeks to highlight the best scholarship from a wide range of perspectives on law and policy topics.


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