Submission Review Questions Suggestions

Posted by Desean Waters, community karma 2389
Happy July,

As a new law review (working on Vol. 2) , we are gearing for our submission season and would like suggestions on the questions other journals/law review use to review articles. Any help would be great. I would also be able to send what we have used this past year, if you would like to edit that itself.

over 8 years ago

1 Comment

Elli Olson, community karma 677
Hi Selena,

Thanks for posting a great question! I am interested to hear about this from some law journals.

While this isn't exactly what you're looking for, my colleague Danielle published this blog post about how to guide reviewers when they're reading articles:

I'll try to ask the law review editors I talk to about how they guide their article review teams. If I get any good answers, I'll be sure to share them with you.  :)

over 8 years ago
Thank you so much, this article is super helpful. A great starting point for our law review.
Desean Waters – over 8 years ago
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