Reminder: Journal of Law Market and Innovation - Call for submissions - Regulation of Civil Drones

Posted by svitlana zadorozhna, community karma 35
We are happy to announce the new JLMI Thematic CALL FOR PAPERS:
Regulation of Civil Drones: a Comparative Law Assessment

The proliferation of civil drones, also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), has transformed various sectors, from agriculture and surveillance to recreational pursuits. As the skies become increasingly populated with drones, a pressing need arises for comprehensive regulatory frameworks addressing the myriad of liabilities associated with their use. The dynamic between ensuring the safe operation of drones, protecting privacy rights, and other public interests has become paramount in the evolving regulatory dialogue.

We are soliciting submissions from scholars, policymakers, legal practitioners, industry professionals, and researchers about the liabilities arising from the operation of civil drones. Papers can delve into various aspects of liabilities, such as those related to personal and property damage, invasions of privacy, negligence, and other legal implications.

Prospective articles should be submitted in the form of abstract (around 800 words) or draft articles to by 30 November 2023. Accepted authors will be notified by 10 December 2023.