Illinois Law Review Call for Symposium Ideas

Posted by Samuel Zuidema, community karma 75
In May, the Illinois Law Review's Board of Editors intends to select a Symposium for publication in the 2017-2018 volume of the journal.  If you are organizing a conference or have an idea for one that could function as a Symposium, please submit a proposal in electronic form to me at no later than April 29, 2017.  If exceptional circumstances require submitting a proposal after this deadline, please contact me as soon as possible.  Symposium applicants should prepare a written proposal including the following:
1.     A background discussion of the area of scholarship in which the symposium is situated.
2.     A description of the subject matter of the symposium.
3.     A discussion of the contribution the symposium will make to legal scholarship.
4.     A preliminary list of contributors, attendees, or invitees.
Proposals should be no longer than six pages.  The Symposium will be selected by majority vote of the Board of Editors.  The Board intends to announce its decision by May 15, 2016.
We look forward to considering your submissions.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

about 8 years ago