Continued Call for Submissions: Loyola University Chicago International Law Review Volume 21(2)

Posted by Karan Kaushal, community karma 41

Loyola University Chicago’s International Law Review (ILR) invites legal scholars and practitioners to submit manuscripts to be considered for publication in the Spring 2025 issue, 21(2) Loy. U. Chi. Int’l L. Rev. Below, we describe the issue’s thematic scope and the submission procedure.

In this issue, submissions may address the Spring 2025 Symposium topic of "International Environmental Law: Practical and Human Rights Implications and Consequences.” Through this topic, we hope to explore global perspectives and implications of the following issues: environmental justice, climate change, and sustainability. Topics relating to the nexus of environmental law and international human rights are strongly welcomed, such as the rights of indigenous peoples, environmental refugees, access to clean water, air, other natural resources, etc., and the impacts of environmental degradation on vulnerable and conflict-ridden communities. While other topics surrounding the idea of environmental governance and ecological preservation may be considered, preference will be given to articles addressing the above-described themes.

If you are interested, please submit your relevant manuscript and current resume/curriculum vitae (including contact information) through Scholastica or to InternationalLawReview@luc.eduWe are only considering authors who have a J.D. or equivalent degree (Please note: We are unable to consider work from students currently enrolled in JD or equivalent programs). Each submission must be between 30-45 pages, double-spaced, in Times New Roman, with 1” margins, and contain more than 100 citations. The deadline for submissions is rolling.

About Loyola Chicago ILR

Loyola University Chicago's International Law Review (ILR) is a semi-annual journal that focuses on current issues in both international and comparative law. The journal is directed towards students, scholars, and practitioners in the international legal community, and contributes to the general body of knowledge through articles on important legal and social developments. Loyola law students edit, manage, and publish the journal - both in print and now online - including a yearly symposium issue (published each winter) in which established scholars and practitioners contribute articles focusing on topics from the prior spring's annual symposium. Recent symposia have explored topics like international space law, race and COVID-19, and gender and armed conflict.