Call for Submissions: UC Law Constitutional Quarterly Vol. 52, Issue 4

Posted by Darren Vaughn, community karma 47
UC Law Constitutional Quarterly is still looking to accept submissions for Volume 52, Issue 4. The deadline for consideration for this issue would be January 31st. All interested authors should submit their manuscripts through Scholastica.

The UC Law Constitutional Quarterly (CQ), founded at The University of California, College of the Law, San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings), is the oldest law journal in the United States solely dedicated to constitutional law. We are proud to continue the tradition of publishing outstanding legal scholarship that will address and make an impact on our nation’s jurisprudence. Articles in our journal have been cited by prominent legal minds, including Associate Justice Paul Stevens in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission and the American Bar Association in an amicus brief for the petitioner in the death penalty case Bobby James Moore v. Texas

Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to reading your submissions!