Call for Submissions: Nevada Law Journal Volume 24 Issue 3

Posted by Tori Callier, community karma 73
The Nevada Law Journal is now accepting submissions for Volume 24 Issue 3. Issue 3 is our symposium titled "Avoiding Disaster: Understanding, Solving, and Mitigating the Global Climate Crisis."  

This Nevada Law Journal issue seeks to explore the specific issues impacting climate change, proposals of how to best address these issues, and what implications these potential solutions may have moving forward. We invite interested parties to submit abstracts of at least 375 words; we welcome longer summaries and draft papers. The abstracts should be proposals for articles less than 30,000 words. Submissions should be sent to Sydnee Mongeon, Symposium Editor, at with the subject line “NLJ Call for Papers.” Abstracts are due May 16, 2023.

 Selected authors will be notified by May 30, 2023. Complete drafts will be due August 15, 2023. Accepted submissions will be published in Issue 3, 24 Nev L.J. (forthcoming May 2024).