Call for Submissions - Criminal Justice Law Review

Posted by Taylor de Laveaga, community karma 27

UCLA Criminal Justice Law Review

Call for Submissions: Volume 4

The UCLA Criminal Justice Law Review seeks submissions for publication in Volume 4 from law students, academics, policymakers, and practitioners.  Law students and alumni, including the class of 2019, are especially encouraged to submit.

The Criminal Justice Law Review focuses on current topics in criminal law, policy, and practice.  We seek to develop discourse on criminal justice by publishing articles, editorials, interviews, and nontraditional pieces from practitioners, legal and nonlegal academics, policymakers, and student contributors.  CJLR publishes traditional full-length works of legal analysis as well as other non-academic works.  There is no page minimum or limit for consideration. The CJLR Articles Department will prioritize student-written submissions for publication, including those written for an independent study, papers for upper-division seminars, and other works not written for credit.  

This year, CJLR has partnered with the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School to publish works from the Progressing Reform of Fees and Fines conference.  Accordingly, we are especially interested in publishing student work that highlights the role of fines and fees in the criminal legal system, though we accept articles on a range of topics: we encourage any submissions that analyze issues which advance our knowledge, as well as articles from advocates, activists, and people who have been impacted by the criminal legal system.  

Authors may send questions about style, formatting, or publication timeline—and may submit their pieces at any time—by emailing the UCLA Criminal Justice Law Review at  Expedited review is available for articles submitted before December 1. 

over 5 years ago