The American Criminal Law Review is currently accepting submissions for Volume 63. Submissions should be between 8,000 and 13,000 words (excluding footnotes) and must be on a timely topic related to American criminal law. Citations should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed.) and appear as footnotes rather than endnotes.
Submissions should include: (1) a current draft of the paper in .docx format; (2) the author’s CV; and (3) the author's contact information (name, email address, mailing address, and phone number).
About the Journal
The American Criminal Law Review is one of the nation’s premier journals of criminal law. ACLR seeks to serve the criminal law community by providing a forum for the best scholarship in the field. We strive to provide useful information and ideas for criminal law practitioners and academics. ACLR publishes three issues a year containing articles from leading criminal law scholars. We also publish the Annual Survey of White Collar Crime, the definitive reference work for white-collar practitioners, and regularly publish articles on our website.
Please visit the American Criminal Law Review for more information and to explore past issues.