Call for Submissions: Administrative Law Review Accord

Posted by Kirsten Companik, community karma 27

The Administrative Law Review Accord is accepting articles for its winter and spring issues! 

The Accord is the online companion edition of the Administrative Law Review and was established several years ago to expand the journal's capacity to publish long-form practitioner articles, as well as shorter submissions and response pieces. The Accord operates in parallel with our print version, allowing it to maintain an esteemed reputation within legal scholarship and reach a wide and engaged audience. All pieces selected for publication by the Accord are subject to the same editorial processes, receive the same comprehensive level of review, and are indexed in Westlaw, LexisNexis, and HeinOnline. However, one of the distinct benefits of publishing in the Accord is the added flexibility in setting production schedules, resulting in an expedited but rigorous review process. 

Essays should be less than 18,000 words including footnotes, conform to the Bluebook, and analyze new and compelling developments in administrative law and regulatory practice. You can find more information on the Accord and view its latest published pieces here:

Please send submissions or inquiries to the Accord’s Editor, Kirsten Companik, at

4 months ago