Call for Papers & Speakers for the Akron Conference on International Tax and a Special Issue of the Akron Law Review

Posted by Brittany Watson, community karma 27

The Master of Taxation Program at the University of Akron College of Business will host on May 2nd the Akron Conference on International Tax and is proud to invite submissions from tax scholars to present and discuss articles and essays addressing any international tax issues, however, we are especially interested in one or more of the following topics or related topics:

•      International Tax Dispute Resolution

•      International Tax Policy

•      Tax Treaties

•      International Tax of Human Capital

•      Fairness in International Taxation

•      Pillar I and Pillar II

Final submissions for the conference and the Akron Law Review Special Issue should be approximately 20-50 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font, and citations should generally comply with The Bluebook.

Please submit your abstracts (300-500 words) and papers before March 15th. Selected participants and papers will be notified by March 29th.

Note that the conference will be in-person.

For any questions and submissions please contact Dr. Doron Narotzki;

about 1 year ago
Tags: tax law